Our woodworking tools are now available for purchase.

This unique Drawknife is a replica of a 200-year-old gem given to me by my grandfather when I was five. The blade is beveled on both sides, a rare characteristic of drawknives. Its size, balance, and blade make an excellent tool for fine woodworking tasks. The tool steel is made in the USA and undergoes extensive heat-treating processes and sharpening.
The handles are turned in my workshop using wood from a walnut tree taken out by a storm on my farm in 1976. The logs were sawed at the historic Hale Farm and Village, Bath, Ohio using a 19th century steam-powered sawmill.
Click here to order the Drawknife from our secure shopping cart. (Temporarily sold out. Check back soon.)
Dimensions: 13.5″ x 6.5″
Price: $219.00


This exclusive Inshave, also called a Scorp, is a replica of one I designed. When I built my first Windsor chair in 1972, frustration quickly set in when carving the poplar seat with the tools offered at that time. I realized the appropriate hand tool for this process wasn’t available. Designing and creating my own Inshave became a necessity. The result was an Inshave that I made, and have been using to build Windsor chairs since that time. My Inshave was the only one of its kind, until now. Today the result is a refined design of the original tool that I created incorporating the same acute and proper blade angles, and handles with finger grips making this tool extremely functional, efficient, and a pleasure to use.
The tool steel used is made in the USA and undergoes extensive heat-treating processes and sharpening. The handles are hand shaped in my workshop using wood from a walnut tree taken out by a storm on my farm in 1976. The logs were sawed at the historic Hale Farm and Village in Bath, Ohio using a 19th century steam-powered sawmill.
Click here to order the Inshave, aka Scorp from our secure shopping cart. (Temporarily sold out. Check back soon.)
Dimensions: 7″ x 7″ x 4″
Price: $289.00

“I was always taught to have a great deal of respect for my tools. If you take care of them, they will take care of you. Your tool comes to you with a fine edge. Be cautious and do not let the blade touch anything hard or abrasive. Always clamp or secure your work.”